Développement d’applications web et mobiles avec Angular, Vue.js, et Ionic
dans un environnement agile
Conception et développement d’APIs RESTful avec Express.js.
Participation à l’évolution du backend dans une architecture distribuée
intégrant RabbitMQ.
Mise en place et automatisation des tests end-to-end avec Cypres
•Stripe Microservice
-Restructured the payment logic as a dedicated microservice
•Notifications Microservice:
-Integrated with Mandrill and Mailchimp to send emails based on template
name or plain HTML.
-Integrated with AWS SNS to send SMS messages
• Designed and developed modern front-end interfaces with React and
Material-UI, prioritizing a user-friendly interaction
I worked as an intern at Esprit, where I learned how to code with Symfony.
Then, as part of a group, I was assigned numerous tasks to do in order to
develop a web application using what I had learned.
I worked at CIFADS as an intern where I learnt ReactJS.
Then, using what I had learned, I was assigned a number of tasks to expand
an already-existing web application.
I have also worked with Jira & Bitbucket (Git repository management software)