Test Artificial Intelligence - Fundamentals

Test Intelligence Artificielle with answers to assess your knowledge and prepare for job interviews. Assess your technical level in 20 minutes.

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Test details

May 2024
10 minutes

This test aims to assess your skills in the field of deep learning. The structure of this MCQ is inspired by popular job interview questions in this field. The concepts you'll find here are what recruiters look for when recruiting an entry-level deep learning developer. The list of notions is vast, but expectations are basic.
The list of concepts assessed in this MCQ is written below. I advise you to master them well before starting, otherwise some questions may seem difficult to you.

  • General information about deep learning (AI - deep learning relation, deep learning vs machine learning, etc.)
  • Structure and composition of neurons and neural networks (ANN, RNN, recurrence…)
  • Basic notions concerning the development of models (different types of models, learning methods, train/evaluation/test sets, ensemble learning, etc.)
  • deep learning models’ performance evaluation (loss function, gradient descent…)
  • Dataset’s preparation
  • Codes and packages
    Good luck!
This test consists of 20 questions randomly selected from a database of 44 questions in Intelligence Artificielle.Discover all our interview questions and answers here
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Test author : Martin Mallet

This test was created by Martin Mallet for ETIC INSA Technologies
As a 21 yo future INSA Lyon engineer, IT is one of my main expertise domains. My current scholarship aims at making me a performance and supply chain expert. I first specialized in data and business analysis through various training courses and professional experiences and then went into machine learning and deep learning.
The combination of the industrial, business and IT skills enabled me to perform in various companies.
Volunteer firefighter since 2016, my passions are the fields of defense, health and firefighting. I hope to be able to start my young career in one of these. Do not hesitate to contact me!
ETIC INSA technologies is the “junior enterprise” of INSA Lyon. It carries out expertise for companies ranging from multinational groups to very small ones in almost all domains of engineering.

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Sample question

What are the different learning methods used for machine learning ?

See 44 test questions.

Developers ratings

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Tatou calme
trop de question de culture générale de l'IA
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Théo Bertrand
bad questions, only about classifying different aspects of ML
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